Ashtanga Yoga New Orleans



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Adjustments are an important in-class dynamic.  They can range from a gentle touch or directional encouragement in a posture to a fair amount of pressure.  Adjustments do one or many of several things:

  1. refine your alignment for
    * for safety reasons
    * for effectiveness
    * for prana (life force/energy) flow
  2. bring your awareness to a particular part of your body
  3. stabilize you in an unsteady posture while you build strength towards independence
  4. deepen your stretch in a posture
  5. assist you in attaining or sustaining a challenging posture until your body can do it on its own
  6. highlight or bring out abilities you may not have been aware of

Adjustments can bring a great deal of new awareness and development to your practice.  If you are uncomfortable with the way your teacher adjusts you for any reason, you should say so immediately.  A good teacher will welcome your feedback.  Always tell your teacher if you have had injuries, present or past.

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